[REVIEW MOVIE] Ride Your Wave: A beautiful love story

The Japanese animated film Ride Your Wave ( Ride Your Wave ) is the latest work by famous director Masaaki Yuasa, who is Movies123 a series of quality works such as The Tatami Galaxy, Lu over the wall, and most recently , DEVILMAN crybaby.

Reviews on Ride Your Wave (Ride Your Wave)

Since the launch of Mind Game (2004), director Masaaki Yuasa has been famous for hallucinating movies and dramas, extending the boundaries of imagination.

In the past few years, however, Yuasa has shown an interest in making films more accessible. The pinnacle of such efforts led to the creation of Ride Your Wave, which was just a simple film project by Yuasa.

Surfing With Me

Ride Your Wave is a romantic movie that combines the supernatural with the popular 90s storyline. Just by listening to the premise, you can guess the main plot of the story: The girl and boy fall in love, The boy died, back to a ghost.

However, this structure is only the core of the story. The core of the film is the new details and emotions that take place on the screen, which are very realistic characters. Ride Your Wave can be widely interpreted in two different ways.

If you believe what you see on the screen, it's a supernatural romcom filled with cute moments, showing how the two of you create a relationship ?, even if one of they are just an invisible soul. On the other hand, it is likely the film is a heartbreaking story in which a female character doesn't know what to do after the death of her lover.

The first footage focuses on how Hinako and Minato meet and become a couple. Hinako is a pilot while Minato is a highly capable firefighter. However, through their experiences together, such as the way she teaches him to surf the web, it's easy to know why they love each other. They are a cute couple.

Surfing With Me

But after the beautiful days of tragedy, the death of Minato was tragic, the audience will accompany immediately after feeling and sympathizing with the pain that Hinako is experiencing. Hinako not only lost the person she loves most in the world, but she also swept away all the things she loved most: surfing. And the surprise of the movie happened for the couple to reunite, this sense of loss is still wandering in Surf with Em.

Minato is still aware of the reality of what is happening, no matter how much they pretend, things really can't go back to how they were. Minato forever stuck in his water-filled "prison". Sure, he could go out with her, live in a water bottle or inside an inflatable whale full of water, but all the physical contact between them was lost. Even when she's completely submerged in water with him, Minato still dissipates on contact.

The next episode of Surfing With Me is one of the healings. By learning more about Minato and her past, Hinako started to get better. She began to move on from a listless life of her and seek out "another wave" for herself. Wasabi was a firefighter like Minato, albeit a novice and a bit annoyed.

He suffers from an inferiority complex, so when Minato leaves, he tries to step in as a replacement for both Hinako and Minato's sisters, Youko. He deals with his brother's death in a unique way. She felt uneasy about what was happening with Hinako and Wasabi. Although she has a hard time expressing that, she cares deeply for those who love her brother and wants them all to move on better after her brother's death, no matter how difficult it is. at any rate.

Another tidbit of this animation is to discover a simple question: What does it mean to save someone? Whether this is good when they return but not the same as before. Maybe their conscious consciousness still exists but the physical body does not exist. Because over time, this will create difficult conflicts.

Visually, Ride Your Wave is very beautiful, although not as exaggerated in style as many of Yuasa's previous works. Instead, much of the beauty in this film comes from the weak, fire and human form. This is most evident in Hinako's surf scenes and how she became a part of them

In terms of sound, most of the soundtrack is just a single song. The song was sung by Minato and Hinako during their first date, and also saw Hinako and Minato meeting again. It can understand both joy and sadness, but this causes generalization and boredom.

In general, the story frame of Surfing With You is easily predictable, is an emotional movie about love, loss. The characters are very complex and the fantasy element is used to satisfy the curiosity of the audience.

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